Outreach efforts over mental health coins deserve kudos
The MT 988 Veteran’s Challenge Coin Project has been a collaborative endeavor between Montana State University Student Veterans, Montana Veterans, and MSU School of Art Students.
Bruce Barnhart, Assistant Teaching Professor, MSU School of Art, and Todd Bucher, Director of Veteran Services, MSU have demonstrated excellence in outreach to veterans and their families in promoting the MT 988 Veteran’s Challenge Coin Project.
MSU veterans and local veterans were invited to meet with graphic design students from the School of Art to help create suicide prevention-themed “challenge coins” for the MT 988 Project. Each design includes Montana’s Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline number 988 on one side and 988+1 on the other side for veterans. The 988 Suicide Hotline is a free service to those in crisis and each certified provider on the other end is stationed at service centers throughout Montana.
A complete set of coins from the MT 988 Veteran’s Challenge Coin Project is on display at the MSU Travis W. Atkins Veteran Support Center. One set of these coins has been used for out-reach as part of the MT 988 Project traveling exhibition to the American Legion Post #14, Bozeman Elks Lodge #463, Gallatin County Mental Health Local Advisory Council, Veteran Service Providers, and Vietnam Veterans of American Southwest Montana.
The MT 988 Veteran’s Challenge Coin Project has received national recognition from the American Legion and Elks National Service Commission for promoting suicide prevention-themed “challenge coins” and increasing awareness of suicide prevention and resources that are available to help veterans who are in crisis.