American Legion Oratorical Contest

American Legion Post #14 Oratorical Contest was held at Bozeman High School on February 13, 2024. Contestants included students from Bozeman HIgh School and Gallatin High School.
The American Legion Oratorical Contest exists to develop deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S. Constitution among high school students.

Since 1938, The American Legion Oratorical Contest has presented participants with an academic speaking challenge that teaches important leadership qualities, the history of our nation’s laws, the ability to think and speak clearly, and an understanding of the duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges of American citizenship.

Speaking subjects must be on some aspect of the U.S. Constitution, with some emphasis on the duties and obligations of citizens to our government. Speeches are eight to 10 minutes long; three- to five-minute speeches on an assigned topic also are part of the contest.

1st Place Winner, Miles Meingers, Gallatin High School
2nd Place Winner, Gabe Stordahl, Bozeman High School
3rd Place Winner, Tommy Meltzer, Bozeman High Schooi